
The show has over 160 classes for people of any age. If you're a keen baker or a passionate gardener, then this is for you!

We have loads of flower and produce classes and we'd love it if you'd consider entering this year. 

Important Information


Your first exhibit costs £1.00 and each exhibit after is 30p. All children’s classes, which are FREE to enter.
All forms and fees are to be received NO LATER than 5pm on the Saturday before the show. You can email and post entry forms but please DO NOT post your fees!
If emailing/posting your entry, your fees MUST be paid to the show secretary on the morning of the show or by using the Bank Details below 

Account Name Ducklington And Hardwick Produce Assciation

Account Number : 25272060

Sort Code: 30-99-50

Marquees will OPEN for exhibitors only to arrange their exhibits 7:30am - 9.55am. Marquees will CLOSE to the all 10am - 2pm for judging. 
Marquees will OPEN to the public at 2pm.
Exhibits and award cards must NOT be removed from the marquee till 4pm!