Young Peoples Classes 2024

Youth Classes are free to enter

Model exhibits must not exceed 60cm x 60cm. Drawing / handwriting entries are to
be on a A4 piece of paper. Ideal garden on a plate can be on any size plate, and can be
a drawing or model. Cakes / cup cakes can be shop-brought but must be decorated /
topped by hand. No Lego kits are permitted. Vegetable Creatures can be made with any
fruit and vegetables (shop bought or home grown) - be as imaginative as you like - see
some pictures opposite for inspirwation!
Ensure that the exhibitors age is on the reverse of white cards for youth exhibits but do
not include the exhibitors name. Youth classes are free to enter.

 132 Decorate a paper plate - Age 4 and under

 133 Junk Modelling - Age 8 and under

 134 Any Drawing - Age 8 and under

 135 Any Drawing - Age 9+

 136 Handwriting - Age 8 and under see below

 137 Handwriting - Age 9+ See below

 138 My ideal garden on a plate - Age 8 and under

 139 My ideal garden on a plate - Age 9+

 140 Photograph "Wildlife" - Age 8 and under

 141 Photograph "Wildlife" - Age 9+

 142 Decorated cup cakes - Age 8 and under

 143 Decorated cup cakes - Age 9+

 144 Lego Model - Any Age

 145 Crazy Egg Heads - Any Age see below


You will need:

Empty egg shell, cotton wool, cress seeds, an empty egg box and felt pens
1) Wash out the egg shell and sit them in the egg box to keep them steady.
2) Draw on some crazy faces! You could do self-portraits or funny faces and add googly
eyes if you’ve got some.
3) Put some cotton wool inside the shells and dampen them with some water.
4) Sprinkle cress seeds all over the cotton wool – good coverage will give you a full
head of hair.
5) Pop them on a windowsill and wait for the hair to sprout. Add a little bit of water if
the cotton wool dries out, but not too much!
Your Egg Heads should have a full head of Crazy Cress Hair after only 5-6 days!

 146 Vegetable - Any Age