All Stallholders wishing to sell at the D.H.P.A event must apply using the form below, full details must be given of the stand, the
exhibits that will be displayed and goods sold. No goods other than those stated on this application form may be displayed or
sold without prior approval by the D.H.P.A Committee.
Space is limited and stallholders are advised to make early application
Please note the event is outside and subject to the elements, your pitch is on a grass surface, no electricity is available and
you will need to bring along your own tables, chairs, marquee/gazebos that you may require.
On arrival, you may drive your car onto the sports field in order to set up your stall.
The Stall Manager will advise where your pitch is and can help you with any questions.
Stallholders can set up their stalls from 7.30am untill 10:30am. All cars are to be removed from the field by 11.00am, thank you.
Your stands need to be open for selling from 1.00pm through to 5.00pm.
Stall fees are minimum of £10 or 10% of takings on the day. A booking fee of £10 is required to secure your stall at the 2025 Ducklington Village Show. If you have additional to pay (i.e. takings were £100+ on the day of the event) then please pay the additional amount to the bank details on the below booking form. this is based on honesty from the stallholders, thank you.
Refunds, in respect of cancellation, will be at the discretion of the D.H.P.A committee.
No refunds will be given in respect of cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the date of the Event.
There will be no refunds if the event has to be cancelled on the day due to unforeseen weather conditions.
It is in the stall holders interest to arrange their stands to be staffed throughout the length of the event (1pm-4pm).
The D.H.P.A. accept no responsibility for the security of your stands, equipment, stock, cash or any other property of the
Stall Holder. The D.H.P.A. accept no liability for loss or damage of any kind suffered by stallholders while at our event.
The D.H.P.A urge you to arrange your own insurance cover.
Please make payment to the following bank details
Account name: Ducklington And Hardwick Produce Association
Account number: 25272060
Sort code: 30-99-50